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Zudora Zeta Class

spring 2012

Dean: Kirty Patel | ADP: Smitha Pidiki | PM: Krishna Patel

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Priya Patel
Sister Emanate #1

Big: Keya "Vintage" Patel

Little: Damini "Volition" Patel

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Mary Cortes
Sister Araceli #2

Big: Irene "Selene" Kim

Little: Catrina "Lunula" Cure

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Jina Desai
Sister Aurélie #3

Big: DP "Maskara" Nguyen

Little: Rima "Continuum" Patel


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Shreya Singh
Sister Pertinacity #4

Big: Jill "Formidable" Modi

Little: Vaishnavi "Voyager" Patel

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Paayal Gandhi
Sister Deception #5

Big: Veni "Figure 8" Patel

Little: Meby "Impel" Skariah

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Nikita Kumar
Sister Promenade #6

Big: Lexie "Amélie" Cavanaugh

Little: Sehar "Validate" Juddha


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Amee Patel
Sister Ariadnê #7

Big: Bharvi "Bellanca" Desai

Little: Dharmi "Vivacity" Shah

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